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Launch Website Description News site. Created Liferay-based theme and modules site, including infinite scroll modules, lazy-loaded ads, various third-party integrations. Want to know more? Contact...

Launch Website Description News site. Created Liferay-based theme and modules site, including infinite scroll modules, lazy-loaded ads, various third-party integrations. Want to know more? Contact...
Free Market Medical Association

Free Market Medical Association

Launch Website Description Geographical-based provider search. Users can search health providers from a set radius and filter by keywords, and specialties. I created a procedures search as well, that also filters by keywords, but also by cost. This is...
Particle Configuration Generator

Particle Configuration Generator

Launch Website Description Single-page application used to generate a configuration JSON for the particle.js particle emitter framework. This will be used within a template for creating ads in Tumult Hype. Basically the template would create a canvas layer in the...
Elections Results Map

Elections Results Map

Launch Demo Description Single-page application meant for iframe embedding on various news sites. Interactive data-visualization map for the 2016 Election results. Want to know more? Contact...